For manufacturing products and perishable goods, a solution that provides you with full financial management, batch production costing and control for your sales budget.
For manufacturing products and perishable goods, a solution that provides you with full financial management, batch production costing and control for your sales budget.
Securing your data with the best cyber security measures, including role-based access, strong encryption, robust password policies, two-factor authentication and more.
Securing your data with the best cyber security measures, including role-based access, strong encryption, robust password policies, two-factor authentication and more.
Users are organized in a tree fashion similar to that of the company’s administrative tree, and each user can be assigned specific access rights on any option, module and functionality in the system.
Permitting authorized users’ access in permissible fields and sub-fields. By defining criteria and rules per voucher or record field; providing a high level of user access control.
In addition, to usernames and passwords, a security option is defined for permitting specific stations to access the system.
Controls for assigning password strength and requests to change it periodically.
Definable time schedules to permit users to log in to the system at specific schedules or times.
User-defined document printing options allowing or denying access to print and post vouchers.
Assigning required signatures for approvals per voucher based on criteria and rules for fields such as voucher amount, branch, department and/or supplier.
User-defined set of controls for data entry security and control. These controls guarantee unintentional data entry that will affect audited or submitted reports.
A two-factor authentication for additional optional security that sends an SMS to the mobile number defined in the user’s file.
A feature that allows users to incorporate verified third-party applications as a login option to the ERP system.
As a leading company in the pharmaceutical industry and listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange, we are proud of the long-term teamwork and relationship that Bisan has built with us, and it has been and still is, the subject of our trust. For more than twenty years with its exceptional knowledge and high professionalism and the continuous fulfillmen ...
All the love and appreciation and looking forward to even more progress.
We thank God Almighty for the existence of a company like your ancient company, and we at Lord Company are proud to deal with you. These suggested following phrases summarize our mutual cooperation: 1- Bisan trust and save 2- Bisan best of the best 3- Bisan or nothing.
… the program aids in setting up processes in the management of the company … the Bisan personnel have all been very responsive and knowledgeable ... Their ability to react quickly and provide top quality service in a moment's notice is clearly unique …